655 news found.
  • When you fix the bug before the release date, you are the office hero that everyone adores.

    0 0 0 85 0/5
  • VS Code is actually a good option for both junior and senior developers.

    0 0 0 62 0/5
  • I went to a really bad manicure competition yesterday. It was nail-biting.

    0 0 0 91 0/5
  • After the ballet skirt was invented, the creators spent days coming up with a name. Finally, they put tu and tu together.

    0 0 0 107 0/5
  • A friend asked me if I had seen the film "Tractor". "No," I replied, "But I've seen the trailer."

    0 0 0 121 0/5
  • I'm very good friends with the other members of my time travelling club. We go back years.

    0 0 0 119 0/5
  • I always find it hard to rent a trailer. I've never managed it without a hitch.

    0 0 0 113 0/5