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on - November 25, 2023 -
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As Mars roams the wide open spaces of Sagittarius from November 24th until January 4th, ready your backpacks and scoop out the trail mix. Whatever learning pursuits and life adventures have been left on the back burner, it’s time to re-enter those quests. The most challenging part of the coming months is choosing where to direct the arrows of our ambition first. Mars in this mutable fire sign can scatter its energy — or play fast and loose with the facts. Any adventurer knows that a journey begins with clarity of intention (and a solid supplies list), so funnel your energy on the plans that promise bounties of discovery. And fun.
Desperado modeMars in Sagittarius’ first traveling snag occurs on November 25th, as the rabble rouser squares Saturn, the planet of obstacles. Not even your four wheel drive is a match for Saturn in Pisces’ mud patch. Fortunately, thinking on the fly is one of Sagittarius’ special talents. Sometimes we need to drift far from our usual itinerary to rekindle our lust for life.
Consider the next three months as your opportunity to roam until you find “the thing” that really lights your soul on fire. Whether you’re signing up for private French lessons, exploring a new part of your neighborhood, or learning to bake the perfect pie crust — open yourself to the missions that draw you out of your usual circuits. Even swapping out your white socks for ones with flames could alter the course of your day.
Your horoscopes are meant to be read as inspiration. If you know both your rising sign and Sun sign, please read both horoscopes. You’ll know which one resonates for you. Take what works and leave the rest. If you’d like to share this work, please credit the source and provide a link to this post or Thank you for your support and for spreading this work around. We really appreciate it — and you.
The following horoscopes were written by Stephanie Warner.
As Mars enters Sagittarius, sling the arrows of your loftiest pursuits and know that the ones meant for you will find their mark. From plotting the pit stops on your Eurail travels to mapping the coordinates of your life’s larger mission, your ability to zoom out will keep your passions alive in the coming weeks.
Your mind also needs space to roam, so don’t limit yourself to one section of the library or genre of podcast. Make a point of straying beyond your usual teachers. The barista, your cat, the grandparent you’ve been meaning to call — wisdom comes from a multiplicity of sources, especially when you listen as passionately as you preach.
As much as your curiosity is and will be cranked to max, make sure you schedule in study breaks and time for the downloads to percolate. It’s within your digressions, side quests, and footnotes that you’ll uncover the real adventure.
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Tend to the flames of your material exchanges, collaborations, and financial agreements, as Mars enters Sagittarius. If you’ve struggled with self-advocacy in the past, the next few weeks will help you center your convictions in all your mergers.
A wide-angle lens is just as useful as your magnifying glass, especially when your morale requires stoking. Schedule your next mind-mapping session or financial consult in the lizard terrarium or observatory. Novel surroundings help you embrace the more playful side of co-creation.
Even when stakes are high in life’s mergers, there’s always space for fun. And laughter.
And if you feel like you’re shouldering too much of the load, don’t let this imbalance smolder. By proactively adjusting your joint mission statement, you’ll feed this fire the oxygen it needs.
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Time to hit the open road, side-saddle, as Mars enters Sagittarius. Over the coming weeks, laughter, philosophical debate, and gusts of goofiness will enliven your 1:1 dynamics. Love and connection don’t always have to be so serious.
So sign up for that life drawing class with your beloved or book a spontaneous road trip with your bestie to hit up the quirkiest flea-markets. And don’t forget the round of twenty questions in the roadside diner. In fact, braving harder conversations is easier when you lead with a joke. So commit to learning one new thing about your person every day.
And if tempers flare alongside passions, take time to cool off. A bit of oxygen is needed to fan the flames of your most important connections.
But by all means, say yes to the thrill.
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As Mars enters Sagittarius, fan the fires of your life’s boiler room. It’s time to establish the coordinates of a larger mission surrounding your toil and health routines. And to break out of your usual wellness rituals or working methods — especially if you’ve noticed yourself reaching for your phone while in corpse pose.
Whether you’re starting a blog to chart your fitness journey or defining the philosophical arc of your work, let your gusto guide your process in the coming weeks. Get curious about the modalities outside of your routine comfort zone, and embrace your mistakes as wise teachers.
The learning curve is where you’ll find adventure.
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As Mars enters Sagittarius, let the spirit of learning and adventure fuel your creative fire. Hand your muses sparklers and follow through on your most outlandish ideas yet. Blast punk rock as you scrape your canvases and commit to offending at least one person with your are.
If you’ve been playing it safe as a creator, symbolically burn or recycle the habits restricting your artistic freedom. Whether it’s a perfectionist streak or forgetting to plot play time in your schedule, offer these patterns to the funeral pyre in the coming weeks.
Then roam a local art fair to gather sparks of inspiration. By allowing fun into the process, you’ll magnetize your masterpiece.
To read about where every planet currently is in the sky and how that’s impacting you, download the CHANI app for iOS or Android.
As Mars enters Sagittarius, it’s time to root your motivation closer to home. So roll up your sleeves and prepare for some serious DIYing.
Whether you’re digging next year’s garden rows, recycling outdated ancestral narratives, or raising roommate morale with a storytelling hour over smores, allow your own backyard to be a site of exploration and learning in the coming weeks.
Your lineages themselves are ripe for exploration, so schedule a Zoom date with your grandparent who has the best stories (or family gossip). Or explore the archives of your local library.
Even something as simple as a daily gratitude list, enumerating everything that makes you feel grounded, will stoke the fires of your belonging anew.
And if you’re still on the hunt for the roost that will help you grow, cast your arrows wide. Leave no house share, sublet, or canal boat unturned. They’ll lead you to the dwelling or co-inhabitants that fire you up.
To read about where every planet currently is in the sky and how that’s impacting you, download the CHANI app for iOS or Android.
Your reading lists, cafe circuits, and social media threads are about to broaden your horizons.
Whether an esoteric meme opens a rabbit hole or a podcast challenges your broader beliefs, dare to see your everyday interactions as vehicles for learning. Come to the cafe bearing your spiciest questions and lean into the debates of the day.
Just make sure to give your hottest takes and contra-points ample time to cool in the coming weeks. You don’t always have to come firing back with your receipts and facts. In fact, silence (or that tension-diffusing joke) could be your best rebuttal yet.
To read about where every planet currently is in the sky and how that’s impacting you, download the CHANI app for iOS or Android.
It’s time to expand the horizons of what abundance means to you. Whether it’s sunshine on your cheeks or the balm of nourishing friendships, count the immaterial blessings that make you feel rich.
But actively clear space for life’s honey too. Throw the ultimate garage sale or donate the possessions that no longer spark joy. Invite your besties over for a speedrun clothing swap and indulge in some playful competition. And a fashion show for your scores.
And if there are areas in your finances where you tend to gloss over the real picture, parse through the numbers. Enlist the support of a money witch to help you course-correct your most rigid money myths and beliefs.
By backing everything up with paper trails and mission statements, you’ll balance faith with the facts.
To read about where every planet currently is in the sky and how that’s impacting you, download the CHANI app for iOS or Android.
Courage? Check. Conviction? Check. Charisma? You’ve got it — and some left over. Whether you’re mapping out a solo backpacking trip for self-discovery or your first political campaign, follow what ignites a fire in your belly, and sling those arrows without apology.
Just remember: Charting a daring personal course doesn’t mean forgetting your connection with others. For every leap forward, take the temperature of the room first. Trade field notes with other seekers and keep each other accountable as you wander the road less taken.
By workshopping your goals with a friend, therapist, or mentor over the coming weeks, you’ll avoid burning out or scattering your energy. In fact, the bravest thing you can do is Choose Your Own Adventure. Not the one others have in mind for you.
To read about where every planet currently is in the sky and how that’s impacting you, download the CHANI app for iOS or Android.
Your batteries are best replenished behind closed doors, so restock your earplugs and bedazzle your “do not disturb” sign. Perfect your dreamiest herbal sleep tincture yet. Dust off your psychoanalysis tomes and carve out time to explore the caves and gullies of your psyche.
Starting today and for the coming weeks, let your courage be your torch as you symbolically burn the habits and patterns that no longer serve. Whether it’s a way of talking to yourself that’s less than kind or that 4 pm coffee that derails your slumber — know that with persistence even the most stubborn habits can be shifted.
And self-compassion is your best lubricant in turning these ships around.
For every hour spent on your therapist’s couch or with your journal, reward yourself with a candlelit bath. In exploring your inner world, you’ll discover where to direct the flames of your focus.
To read about where every planet currently is in the sky and how that’s impacting you, download the CHANI app for iOS or Android.
As Mars enters Sagittarius, you can’t raise any true rabble or ruckus without your most freewheeling friends. And your people might be lurking on the fringes of polite society, so dare to strike up a conversation with that group of hedge witches mingling at the occultist shoppe.
Whatever undertaking you don’t want to wrangle alone, invite your favorite life-seekers, jesters, and armchair philosophers on your adventures in the coming weeks. Hitch yourself to a wagon even if you’re not sure exactly where it’s going, and stay on for as long as the collective ride feels invigorating.
Whether you join a local improv group or a band of fire-breathers, co-creation will replenish your lust for life.
To read about where every planet currently is in the sky and how that’s impacting you, download the CHANI app for iOS or Android.
As Mars enters Sagittarius, your courage, passion, and willingness to learn are swinging open auspicious doors. So embrace every job interview, grand debut, or brush with the larger world as a teachable moment — even when things go sideways. Then dare to see the hilarity in your snafus.
Your ability to alchemize fear into fuel will propel you leaps and bounds beyond your life’s business as usual. In fact, a little “chaos mode” goes far, so trust your enthusiasm to carry you even if you don’t feel 100 percent ready for your close up.
Whether you’ve discovered your true calling in storytelling or decided to go back to school to pursue the role of your dreams, practice perceiving your professional landscape like an eagle: by taking in the bigger picture and spotting the opportunities on the fringes.
In the coming weeks, dare to slip into the DMs of your future free-wheeling collaborators too. Refuse to fall into a career rut. For every win, a leap of faith precedes it.
To read about where every planet currently is in the sky and how that’s impacting you, download the CHANI app for iOS or Android.
You can find and read your horoscopes for the current astrology here!
The post Horoscopes for Mars in Sagittarius, 2023 appeared first on Chani Nicholas.