694 news found.
  • This is today’s edition of The Download, our weekday newsletter that provides a daily dose of what’s going on in the world of technology Hydrogen trains could revolutionize how Americans get around Like a mirage speeding across the dusty desert outside Pueblo, Colorado, the first hydrogen-fuel-cell...

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  • Washington, DC, was hot and humid on June 23, 1993, but no one was sweating more than Daniel Goldin, the administrator of NASA. Standing outside the House chamber, he watched nervously as votes registered on the electronic tally board. The space station wasn’t going to make it. The United States ha...

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  • This is today’s edition of The Download, our weekday newsletter that provides a daily dose of what’s going on in the world of technology. How to stop a state from sinkingIn a 10-month span between 2020 and 2021, southwest Louisiana saw five climate-related disasters, including two destructive hurri...

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  • This is today’s edition of The Download, our weekday newsletter that provides a daily dose of what’s going on in the world of technology. The race to fix space-weather forecasting before next big solar storm hits As the number of satellites in space grows, and as we rely on them for increasing numb...

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  • Consider following simplified code for an element that can be dragged HStack { Icon(icon: .iconDrag) Text("Title") Spacer() } .padding(16) .onDrag { return NSItemProvider(object: id.uuidString as NSString) } This results in behavior below, where once drag starts preview element is shown, but it is ...

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  • How can I enable multi-select and then move / reorder selected items in a List with ForEach (in SwiftUI)? I tried the following code. On Mac it works fine - it allows me to select multiple items, and then drag them all together to another place in the list. On iOS it allows me to move individual it...

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  • This is today’s edition of The Download, our weekday newsletter that provides a daily dose of what’s going on in the world of technology. The problem with plug-in hybrids? Their drivers. Plug-in hybrids are supposed to be the best of both worlds—the convenience of a gas-powered car with the climate...

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  • Since the beginning of the generative AI boom, there has been a fight over how large AI models are trained. In one camp sit tech companies such as OpenAI that have claimed it is “impossible” to train AI without hoovering the internet of copyrighted data. And in the other camp are artists who argue ...

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  • This is today’s edition of The Download, our weekday newsletter that provides a daily dose of what’s going on in the world of technology. The tech industry can’t agree on what open source AI means. That’s a problem. Suddenly, “open source” is the latest buzzword in AI circles. Meta has pledged to c...

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  • This is today’s edition of The Download, our weekday newsletter that provides a daily dose of what’s going on in the world of technology. There is a new most expensive drug in the world. Price tag: $4.25 million The news: There is a new most expensive drug ever—a gene therapy that costs as much as ...

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  • Soccer teams are always looking to get an edge over their rivals. Whether it’s studying players’ susceptibility to injury, or opponents’ tactics—top clubs look at reams of data to give them the best shot of winning.  They might want to add a new AI assistant developed by Google DeepMind to their ar...

    0 0 0 109 0/5
  • I am building an iOS app and I have done the following things in the web-based Apple Developer console: Created an app and App ID + Bundle ID for it Created a CSR, and then used that CSR to generate a Certificate for it Created a Provisioning Profile (referencing that Certificate) for it and downlo...

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