Classifieds » Electronics » There's also been instances

There's also been instances


There's also been instances where WoTLK Gold they've licensed the practice, they've cleaned their hands and then have said, "Go do it," but the results haven't been very good.

What I'll say is that with Legendary and Blizzard We both have similar processes of thinking, we are both very concentrated companies. They focus only on a select range of products, or offerings simultaneously. They don't want to fill their minds with a myriad of different things. It's all about concentration there. Just like Blizzard. We, too, are looking to establish a partnership and participation in areas in which we can both provide the greatest value. They know that we understand this franchise better than anyone else. We are more familiar with our customers than anyone else. We are aware of the history and lore better than anyone else.

We've been looking for over five years and we had wanted to make an film before, we certainly could have. We could have made it. However, we've been searching for an opportunity that was right for us, and we didn't want to create video games and we didn't wish to use the same way as the ones that have been employed. We were looking for an appropriate partner with whom we could collaborate.

Who is the expert in film?

We're not fools to believe that we're experts on how to make films. The truth is that we're never going to tell you, "Oh, it's all us, and you should comply with what we're saying." Because we we're not movie makers. We're game creators and an organization that builds franchises. In that regard we all want to bring the talents we possess to the WoTLK Classic Gold table and to be able to operate in the areas we are the most knowledgeable.