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They renamed themselves blood elves


There are draenei post have already been built around ship remains, and other races of the WoTLK Gold alliance have been able to land on the island via water and have begun clearing the area that is known as Odesyus"Landing. In addition, the goblins' Venture Co. has also set up camp in one area on the island. They are currently setting up camp in the area. The wildlife and scenery are very similar to that of Darkshore in the area which is where Night Elves start. There are striders as well as nightstalker cats, while the trees and grass are all dark in color palette. Based the information we've gathered so this far, it appears that -with The Exodar being the only exception, there is no reasons to stay on the island beyond level 12 or so. You might want to increase your levels and then move onto the main continents to join the Alliance.

The blood elves however are believed to be awash with of low-level content radiating outwards from their initial home town. According to the story of the game blood elves (which first were introduced within the World of Warcraft expansion pack for Blizzard's World of Warcraft) were originally noble high elves, until the human prince who was a traitor Arthas who later helped lead the dark World of Warcraft faction known as The Scourge, cut them out of their source of magic power. Devastated they renamed themselves blood elves and declared they would take revenge on the people who deprived the elves of the innocence they had enjoyed.

Although the blood elves might be separated from the source of their magic however, it's hard to tell from their lavish city, with its gilded beginnings or their extravagant capital city of Silvermoon. They are born in a town that's well illuminated and is accessible to sun as well as the dark glow of supernatural creatures that inhabit their realms, like their floating World of Warcrafts and moving tree saplings and also buy WOW WoTLK Classic Gold the strangely self-contained broomsticks that fly around you from time to time and sweep up dust as they go.